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Farm Shares

2024 Farm Shares


This season there are two farm share options: The Summer Salad Share and The Monthly Bouquet Share.

These programs maintain the spirit of a traditional CSA ensuring our loyal community remain fed nutrient rich, ecologically grown produce & can enjoy premium cut flowers from our gardens. For those who might be new here, have a read here on what a CSA model brings to the table and why we believe in building our business in this way



Salad Share

Salad Share

What is it?

Designed to offer all the best from the garden for those that might be a little overwhelmed by the full CSA vegetable share. At $22/week, this option offers a manageable and meaningful amount of produce.


When does it start & for how long?

18 weeks of a curated selection of salad fixings from the greenhouse &/or gardens starting in mid-May. The program will run until Thanksgiving.  Please mark your calendars that there will be NO SHARES available the week of AUG 25th for much needed R&R - for gardens & farmers alike.


Each week will bring something new and different for your salad bowl, green smoothies, or snacking pleasure.


What you might find:

Mostly a mix of greens (that lettuce mix you all can't get enough of!), a variety of microgreens or shoots, green onions, radishes, salad turnips, cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh herbs or edible flowers - just to name a few.



Each share is a total of $396 with each week valuing $22. Shares can be picked up at the farm or at the Meaford Farmers Market (June through October) at the Meaford Harbour Pavillion.



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Bouquet Share

Monthly Bouquet Shares

Cut flower gardens were a new addition to the farm garden blocks in 2022 as somewhat of an experiment. Anna is always up for a challenge when it comes to growing green things and was excited by the multidimension of what an annual cut flower garden can bring to the farm. Not only do the birds, butterflies and any number of pollinators love the diversity of blooms, the aesthetic value is overwhelming. Flowers bring joy! Each unique bloom has been chosen for a set of characteristics and performance that adds to all aspects of the farm - even year-round with dried bouquets, dried flower wreaths, and home decorations. The same care and ethic goes into growing the flowers as does food plants. Afterall, each are supported by the same soil and pollinators hopping from one to the other. Only organic soils and amendments to start each seedling. 





Each bouquet made is unique and is a direct reflection of the seasonal blooms around the farm - starting with a stunning array of tulips and daffodils in the spring, all the way to fall anemones and sunflowers. Bouquets will also include many perennial flowers from the newly established native plant gardens as well as time honoured classics in the remnant exotic show gardens from the Greenery's previous owner, a true master gardener, the late Anne Kelly. We do our best to make our mark in bringing back some of her favourites - like the stunning collections of her daffodils, peonies, and garden phlox.

What brings simple joy more than fresh flowers?


Monthly Bouquet Share

5 Monthly Bouquets starting in May and arriving fresh through September, each bouquet reflecting the seasonal changes.


Cost: $135


Pick up: At the farm or at the Meaford Farmers Market (June through October)


CSA Share Commitments

Becoming a member is a commitment. We ask that if you can’t finish the season as members, then you are welcome to reassign your share to another family, but we cannot issue refunds.


If you are unable to pick up your share on pick-up day, you must make alternate arrangements for your produce ahead of time, such as having a friend or family member pick it up for you.


Our Commitments to our CSA members:

  • To grow a diversity of the highest quality, ecologically grown vegetables, herbs, flowers, and fruit

  • To continue to improve on sustainable & holistic methods of food and flower production

  • To provide tips and recipes to members to best enjoy their produce

  • To work to understand member needs and respond to feedback

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